The purpose of the policy is to set out the terms upon which advertising and sponsorship may be sought and accepted by Chiswick News LTD ("Chiswick News").
Chiswick News is committed to developing appropriate advertising and sponsorship opportunities, to support its core activities either directly or indirectly. It will encourage commercial relationships which do not conflict with the delivery of its strategic goals.
The policy aims to provide helpful advice to Chiswick News employees and prospective advertisers and sponsors on what is, and is not, acceptable form of advertising for Chiswick News.
The policy relates to advertising and sponsorship opportunities connected to Chiswick News' assets, services, events and other activities that it has responsibility for.
Advertising is defined as...
"An agreement between Chiswick News and the advertiser, whereby the Chiswick News receives money from an organisation or individual in consideration of which the advertiser gains publicity in the form of an advertisement in Chiswick News controlled print, broadcast or digital media".
The policy is not an exhaustive list and takes as its start point that all advertising falls within the rules and guidelines laid out by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). All advertising must:
• fall within the guidelines laid out by the Advertising Standards Authority
• uphold the rules laid out in the UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising, Sales
Promotion and Direct Marketing (CAP Code)
In line with the codes referred to above, advertisements should be:
• legal, decent, honest and truthful
• created with a sense of responsibility to consumers and society
• in line with the principles of fair competition generally accepted in business
and that the codes are applied in the spirit as well as the letter.
An advertisement will not be accepted if it, in the reasonable opinion of Chiswick News:
• is inappropriate or objectionable
• may result in Chiswick News being subject to prosecution
• promotes the misuse of alcohol or promotes the use of alcohol to children
• might be deemed inappropriate for children, for example violent films,
pornography and so on
• appears to conflict with Chiswick News' Equality, Dignity and Respect Policy
• is from an organisation in financial or legal conflict with Chiswick News
• is the subject of a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority and
upheld by such Authority as a legitimate complaint.
The above list is not exhaustive, and Chiswick News retains the right to refuse advertising on the grounds that, in Chiswick News' opinion, it is inappropriate, or it conflicts with services already provided by the organisation. Chiswick News reserves the right to remove advertising without reference to the advertiser.
Chiswick News reserves the right to use any advertising provided by the client in their promotional materials.
Sponsorship is defined as...
"An agreement between Chiswick News and the sponsor, where Chiswick News receives either money or a benefit in kind for an event, campaign or initiative from an organisation or individual which in turn gains publicity or other benefits".
The policy aims to:
• maximise the opportunities to attract commercial sponsorship for
appropriate events, campaigns or initiatives
• make sure that Chiswick News' position and reputation is adequately protected
• make sure an appropriate return is generated from sponsorship agreements
• make sure that a consistent and professional approach is adopted to the
development of sponsorship agreements
• protect Chiswick News employees and officers from potential allegations of
inappropriate dealings or favouritism with sponsors.
Chiswick News will welcome all opportunities to work with sponsors where such arrangements support its core values. However, it will not enter into a sponsorship agreement if, in the reasonable opinion of Chiswick News, the agreement:
• may be perceived as potentially influencing Chiswick News or its officers
in carrying out its statutory functions in order to gain favourable terms from
Chiswick News on any business or other agreement
• aligns Chiswick News with any organisation or individual which conflicts with
its values and priorities.
Chiswick News will not therefore enter into sponsorship agreements with:
• organisations which do not comply with Chiswick News' Advertising Policy
(above) or the Advertising Standards Authority code of practice
• organisations in financial or legal conflict with Chiswick News
• organisations which do not comply with Chiswick News' Equality, Dignity and
Respect Policy
The list above is not exhaustive and Chiswick News retains the right to decline sponsorship from any organisation or individual or in respect of particular products which Chiswick News in its sole discretion considers inappropriate.
Chiswick News will agree with the sponsor the nature and content of the publicity anticipated from the sponsorship opportunity, and will retain the right to approve all advertising material. Chiswick News has a strong corporate identity and material relating to sponsorship agreements must not conflict with, or compromise this.
Before agreeing advertising or sponsorship, Chiswick News will consider the policy document and follow the guidelines provided.
The overall coordination of advertising and sponsorship agreements across Chiswick News will be the responsibility of the Editor.
All potential sponsors should be referred to the policy for information and guidance.
Sponsorship agreements may be referred to Legal Services for review, prior to signing.
Acceptance of advertising or sponsorship does not imply endorsement of products and services by Chiswick News. In order to make this clear all publications (or other media) with advertising or sponsorship will contain the following disclaimer:
"Whilst every effort has been made to make sure the accuracy of the content of the advertisements contained in this publication, Chiswick News cannot accept any liability for errors or omissions contained in any of the advertisements provided by an advertiser. Chiswick News does not accept any liability for any information or claims made by the advertisement or by the advertisers. Any inclusion of Chiswick News' name on a publication should not be taken as an endorsement by Chiswick News."
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