Why Submit Your Press Release to Chiswick News?

Chiswick Community Connection.
By sharing your achievements, events, and noteworthy stories with your neighbors, you'll be helping keep the local Chiswick community informed with whats happening in our community.

Free Visibility.
Gain exposure for your business, organization, or event within our engaged local audience at no cost to yourselves.

Engage the Chiswick Community.
By letting the local community know about what is happening in Chiswick, they will be more likely to engage with your business on a regular basis.

How to Submit Your Press Release.

Fill Out the Form: Provide essential details about your press release, including the headline, body, relevant dates, and contact information. All fields marked with an asterisk are required.

Attach Media: Enhance your submission with images if you have any, this could be a photo of your past events, your storefront, product range or friendly team of staff.

Review and Submit: Double-check your information and hit the submit button. Our editorial team will review your submission promptly.

Guidelines for Submission:

Content must be relevant to the local Chiswick community and immediately surrounding area.

Press releases should be well-written and free of grammatical errors. We will review your submission, not proof read and edit it for grammatical errors.

Ensure that all submitted media is high-quality and suitable for publication.

What to Expect:

Our editorial team will review each submission for relevance and quality.

Approved press releases will be published on our website, reaching our engaged local audience.

Share your published stories on social media and let the community celebrate with you.

Chiswick News LTD is honoured to be the quickest growing online media platform where local voices are heard. We look forward to sharing your stories and celebrating the diverse tapestry of our community together.

Thank you for being an integral part of Chiswick's local news community.